Chip's Remodeling
Home Repair
Call me now at 903-819-4964
Sherman Tx and surrounding area.
Major Home Repairs
These are not simple little home repairs or remodels. To repair the damages done here take careful planning, proper reinforcements and even temporary supports while the repair work is being done. A knowledge of structural integrity and proper building is a must or you could end up doing more damage than repairing. Short cuts, hiring someone based solely on price or ignoring a problem can save you time and money at the moment, but the cost down the road can be overwhelming.
To see the work of each project step by step please click the link provided in the description.
The pictures below show damage from a tiny leak in a water pipe, so tiny it was barely a mist but it kept the walls and floor moist enough to cause major decay. Both walls are load bearing meaning they support the part of the house above them. I had to support the ceiling and roof of the house in this corner but I could not use the floor because it was rotted out as well, so I had to take the legs of this huge beam all the way to the earth, 4 feet below the floor so I could also re-build the floor. I only repaired the wood and structure of the walls and floor, the homeowner replaced the sheetrock and tile himself.
For more pictures and details please see my Kitchen Walls on Hull St. photos.

The corner where the tub sits in this bathroom was severely decayed from using flex lines in the wall for the shower plumbing, the same type you use to connect a washing machine to water spigots. You can prevent this from happening to you by researching a simple "how to" and inspecting work as it is being done. Twenty minutes could have saved this homeowner thousands. The homeowner opted to install the sheet rock and finish the walls and flooring to save some money, pictures of the extensive repair can be seen on my Misuse of flex-line page. (Coming soon)

This is one for the books, I will bet that whoever did this started out by saying "Hold my beer and watch this!" This is a garage ceiling. Someone installed a modern garage door, in doing so they ripped the ceiling joists (marked in red) to make it fit. But that wasn't bad enough so they installed an opener by cutting through the joists to install the track that opens the door. But wait, there's more, the wood you see on top of the ceiling joists is the floor for the living room above! I have seen criminal charges filed on contractors for doing work like this. In the right situation this could hurt or kill someone.
I removed the garage door and opener, "sistered" 2x10's all the way across on top of both block walls and replaced the same door by shimming it down 3/4 of an inch, minus the door opener (the joists sit too low), it has to be manually lifted. I then installed 5/8 fire coded sheet rock, taped, bed, textured and painted it.